
Welcome to WTF Rant, where I point out my differences with groupthink...

Time to get yer head outta yer ass, people!

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
--C.S. Lewis

NPC News Headline/photoIf social media was a picture...

Gonna hammer on social media for a bit...since it's been a target of my ire for a minute now...

Reading a click-bait headline yesterday, it screamed "George Soros says Facebook is helping Trump's re-election" or something to that effect...not verbatim...but the context puzzled me--same as the comment I read in a FB group that bemoaned the fact that "MSM caters to Conservatives and needs to be more in tune with what progressives want"...things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

I also read someone's comment that Adam Schiff was elevated to sainthood over his valiant attempt to slay the Evil Dragon threating pedophilia forever...and how, even with cite links to alternative information, how much in denial the left, collectively, in this country is, when they circled the wagons of blackout curtain over ChickenSchiff's long-standing cozy relationship with Ed Buck, and Ed's little gay pedophile ring in West Hollywood. Search Adam Schiff/Standard Hotel, for a lot of background. I chose to cite an article from Zerohedge.com, whom I trust as a reliable, credible source of intel. Ed's looking at hard time now, after the third juvenile boy died from an overdose in Ed Buck's home.
Nothing to see here, folks...move along...
But mention it on social media...and BOOM! Heads explode.
Case in point...

FB friend/personal acquaintence posted a meme questioning ChickenSchiff and his close association with the Standard Hotel and it's debaucherous reputation and at the time, the death of a teen-aged boy there from a drug overdose...shit hit the fan, lol...

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...first liar in the conversation don't have a prayer, and yes, I probably shouldn't have said Herbie was "full of shit", but I believe in calling a spade a spade, rather than a hand-operated, green, earth removal tool, preferentially, so this led to my choice in pointing out IF he did indeed research this, why didn't he find this Zerohedge.com article and the other 4 or 5..., in less than 2 minutes like I did, and call it a wash? Rather than being that mouse standing in front of the swooping eagle, flipping him off..."Last Act of Defiance"...

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And...here we go...Herbie gets triggered...just like expected...and here comes the barrage of ad hominem attacks and rhetorical talking points trumpeted by MSM...but this fellow thinks for himself...he wasn't done...however, it DID take an interesting twist...roflmfao

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Ok, by this time, the gloves are off, because truthfully, I don't really care anymore, there are so many willfully ignorant people out there with a smartphone, data plan and social media account who damn sure aren't holding back on me, so why hold back on them...turning the other cheek nowadays gets a red mark on both cheeks, so first time, shame on you--second time, shame on me. But, it always makes me wonder why people instantly go on attack after a bout of complete denial, when presented with data that they, for whatever reason, don't agree with. Me...I read it, evaluate it, evaluate it's source, and if it's factual and plausible, even if it goes against what I want to hear, absorb it, if not, roll on by. And I generally don't call anyone an idiot first...even if I know it's fantasy-land I'm reading. That, too, depends on the individual, and any previous ad hominem exchanges...today's method of meeting new people on social media...Hello, racist bigot! Why, hello, entitled snowflake! But there is still room to "calls 'em likes ya sees 'em", don't care who gets offended.
I did find it kinda cute he had to include his past alleged ability in "stuffing my head up my ass", at which point I felt it necessary to explain a small fact of Dan's life experience to Herbie...and anyone who knows me personally can and will attest that I did not, in any way, lie to Herbie. Education is fuck-ing expensive. Even short-term...insurance deductibles are $3K-$5K per head these days...instead when he hauled ass...

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So basically, Herbie and all other "Herbie's" out there may fondly lick my boy parts, I have a lesser opinion of neverTrumpet RINO's than I do of Antifa, make no mistake...however, Herbie is correct in a very unique sort of way, maybe not in the way he thinks, but in a way...these spirited ad hominem attacks would be considerably fewer in occurrance in a face-to-face, up-close and personal scenario, on a lot of fronts. One of the primary reasons I loathe the two major platforms promoting the cancer known as social media. Herbie's just another tumor sucking up the bloodflow.

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So anyone who has a hankerin to...check out Herbie on Facebook...he hides somewhere in Nevada, by all indicators...lol  Make the bitch famous. Also note that it's conveniently "always" conservatives or Trump supporters who attack first...right?

Just to keep the playing field level, anyone who feels I think Republican politicans can do no wrong, is seriously mistaken. Mitch McConnell has no room to ask how anyone gets rich on a Senator's stipend, and I'm smelling we're gonna see another example of "Waffle'n" Lindsey Graham...I'm gonna be damn surprised if we don't...and then there's that asshole tastebud Mittens...and a host of other troughers with an (R) behind their name sucking off the taxpayers and lobbyists in the biggest daily pay-to-play, quid pro quo, get rich quick, fucking circus that's on display for everybody, yet now...sigh...it's ideologically-induced, partisan, selective outrage, instead of how it really ought to be, flush the political toilet every four years, and return it to what it was designed to be, a service to citizen and country, not a fucking career at control and power grabs and money. The whole political spectra has become a disgraceful cesspool filled with greedy, power-starved narcissistic turds who've never erred, even after they're caught practicing their true intent. Every side of the political aisle.


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